Finance – Page 10 – Djremixganna

PMI and the Stock Market: Strategy to Trade the ISM Index

With so many variables that drive the stock market, knowing what those factors are proves to be crucial for trading successfully. Examples include the ISM Manufacturing Index, or PMI for short: a leading economic indicator in analyzing the health of the U.S. manufacturing sector. But exactly how does PMI affect the stock market, and can … Read more

The Bounce Trading System Stalled: A Proven Style for Sure-Fire Profits

 Every trader ever hopes to find a system that generates consistent profits, with minimal risk. However, despite the staggering amount of systems out there, many traders are unable to determine which method will actually bring reliable, repeatable results. How do you make sure that you trade the pros and not the noise in the market? … Read more

3 Simple Litecoin Crypto Trading Strategies to Maximize Your Profits

Cryptocurrencies, like Litecoin, have highly volatile markets that are rather unpredictable. That makes the price go swinging in one direction and then flipping all the way to another side, making it not easy to find strategies that bring returns for traders. Most of the traders look for strategies that are definable, actionable, and they do … Read more

The Strategy Failure in Bounce Trading: An Independent Reliable Successful Model for Consistent Profit

It is pretty easy to lose one’s way in the sea of overcomplicated strategies or indicators which supposedly promise rises in profit overnight. Most traders try to find strategies that make profits nicely in both trending and volatile markets, but most of these strategies fit only a set of very specific conditions, and so one … Read more

What Happens When the Stock Market Is Oversold? Unlocking the Secret to Stock Market Success

The stock market has often been a place that scares new and seasoned investors alike, with fluctuations of daily change, significant dips and spikes, and it can be tough to come up with clarity in determining whether the market is “oversold” versus just down on a short-term scale. It becomes very unclear, and thus poor … Read more

The Impact of Market Sessions on the 5-Minute Scalping Strategy

It is quite challenging for many traders, especially beginners, to achieve stable and reliable profit on using a scalping strategy. The scalping on a 5 minute requires a very tight timing and has to be extremely accurate, with much self-confidence about entry and exit points. Still, most of the traders get into too late, out … Read more