Finance – Page 9 – Djremixganna

3 Tips To Grow Your Options Account: Confidence, Consistency, and Risk Management

Growing an options account consistently takes more than following tips or relying on luck. There are three critical factors that every trader must master to build a profitable and sustainable trading practice in the options market. Let’s dive into these three secrets and explore how they can help you grow your options account. 3 Tips … Read more

How to Use Credit Spreads: Key Strategies for Beginners in Options Trading

Credit spreads are a very forgiving strategy that carries a higher probability of success. It is perfect for beginners because of the following reasons: Mild Directional View You do not have to have a strong thesis about the movement of the stock. As long as you can identify a stock that is trending higher, lower, … Read more

The High Short Interest Indicator: Good or Bad Trading Signal?

Trading and investing talk over the past two years has been dominated by short interest. And who can forget the dramatic appearance of that concept against the backdrop of the GameStop saga? The short sellers took a massive beating as the stock price skyrocketed within no time, making short interest a talking issue. Many traders, … Read more

Multiple Days Up (MDU) and Multiple Days Down (MDD) Trading Strategy: A Backtest Analysis

Finding consistent entry and exit points is the challenge in trading the world of stock markets. Most traders are unable to distinguish between short-term noise and long-term trends and therefore often make noise-driven rather than data-driven decisions, miss their calls, or enter too early or too late. This is even more so the case for … Read more

IBS Indicator Explained: Three Proven Backtested Strategies for Consistent Profits

This IBS (Internal Bar Strength) indicator gives the answer. However, that said, it is rather a pretty powerful simple tool no trader applies it to its fullest extent. The IBS works as measuring the closing position of a stock against its range of the day. As such, it could find trading opportunities based on buying … Read more

What are the 5 Swing Trading Strategies 2024

Many traders are concerned with effective ways of making money from the fluctuations in stock prices. However, the challenge is finding working tactics that are simple to apply. Despite the rather huge potential for swing trading, many prefer never to give it a go because of its associating complications, which arise from the turbulent times … Read more