Stock Market – Page 2 – Djremixganna

How to Use Credit Spreads: Key Strategies for Beginners in Options Trading

Credit spreads are a very forgiving strategy that carries a higher probability of success. It is perfect for beginners because of the following reasons: Mild Directional View You do not have to have a strong thesis about the movement of the stock. As long as you can identify a stock that is trending higher, lower, … Read more

PMI and the Stock Market: Strategy to Trade the ISM Index

With so many variables that drive the stock market, knowing what those factors are proves to be crucial for trading successfully. Examples include the ISM Manufacturing Index, or PMI for short: a leading economic indicator in analyzing the health of the U.S. manufacturing sector. But exactly how does PMI affect the stock market, and can … Read more

What Happens When the Stock Market Is Oversold? Unlocking the Secret to Stock Market Success

The stock market has often been a place that scares new and seasoned investors alike, with fluctuations of daily change, significant dips and spikes, and it can be tough to come up with clarity in determining whether the market is “oversold” versus just down on a short-term scale. It becomes very unclear, and thus poor … Read more

Holiday Season Stock Market Trading Strategies: Taking Gains from Thanksgiving

The stock market is inherently unpredictable and makes investors look for a pattern, hence causing confusion in their thoughts. Holiday season, supposedly, one of the most unique yet less considered seasonal trends occurs around Thanksgiving. It is just how stocks perform can give a trader an edge for trading strategies. As rich historical data are … Read more

How to Handle Stock Market Volatility: 8 Key Strategies from Top Investors

Introduction The whole gamut of investors in the retail space faces problems arising out of volatility in the stock market. Fears are awakened, and bad investment decisions are made. The unpredictable nature of the market, despite substantial potential returns, bewilders and confuses everybody. The turbulent waters that legendary investors like Warren Buffett and Ramdeo Agrawal … Read more