Trading Strategy – Djremixganna

Step-by-Step Trading Strategy Development: From Theory to Execution

Trading in the stock market is, at the same time, both very thrilling and frightful. Several investors enter the market with many hopes but become quickly confused and frightened by the sophistication of the same. Many end up forming a theory and entering a trade but bypass backtesting, optimization, and forward testing-a major setback for … Read more

Building Wealth Through Diversification: Insights from a 5 Asset Class Analysis

Investors who aim to build wealth need to be aware of how various asset classes perform over the long run. That said, too many of them fail to recognize or factor in historical trends and/or diversification into their allocation. The following five-asset class analysis outlines the performance history of stocks, bonds, gold, real estate, and … Read more

How Volatility Influences Stock Behavior: Momentum vs. Reversals in Large Stocks

Short-term momentum versus reversals of large-cap stocks are very controversial and debatable topics within financial research. Traditional theories of momentum and reversals basically explain them as sequential phenomena that take place within different horizons of time. However, they really do not talk about these phenomena being combined within one asset category in comparable periods of … Read more

Multiple Days Up (MDU) and Multiple Days Down (MDD) Trading Strategy: A Backtest Analysis

Finding consistent entry and exit points is the challenge in trading the world of stock markets. Most traders are unable to distinguish between short-term noise and long-term trends and therefore often make noise-driven rather than data-driven decisions, miss their calls, or enter too early or too late. This is even more so the case for … Read more

Gold Trading Strategy: Tapping the Overnight Advantage

There are very few reliable strategies that deliver consistent returns in the volatile game of gold trading. Huge fluctuations in gold prices can literally drive losses into huge figures, especially if intraday trading is involved. For those looking to secure maximum returns without taking on the market’s daily uncertainties, finding a solid strategy is quite … Read more

The CCI Trading Strategy: Unlocking Hidden Potential in the Markets

Many traders fail to recognize reversal trends, as well as extreme market conditions, meaning they end up missing opportunities and realizing huge losses. Most of the time, traditional indicators fail to give out timely signals, thereby making the trader uncertain when to go for entry and exit from a trade. The right tools are essential … Read more